Tuesday, 19 February 2013

You’re not your jeans, car, credit profile or Facebook status

I have taken a break from the computer and blogging... (Feels so good!)

I've been thinking, and maybe all that I know... Is wrong.

I've realized that we are living an illusion.

I used to  wake up at 5 am every morning, worked my ass off, and wasted zero time so that I could become successful.

I built up this dream... That I would have a big house, a fancy car, the best clothes... The best everything... Just Tons of money. Filthy rich. And tons of fans.
But why would I want that?
Would all of these material things define who I am?
Because it would make me better than you? So that everyone would be jealous of me? So that I would be "happy"? ... (My thoughts disgust me sometimes, but really... be honest!) Damn Ego.

Now I'm thinking. None of that is going to make me happy. That's just going to make me miserable. I'll have to work my ass off for the rest of my life to maintain that. And I will have to maintain that image or else people will think less of me. (Of course, it will bring me temporary happiness. But who wants something temporarily?)

But... No one really cares. No one really cares what you look like, what you have, what you do...

And then look at this:

Imagine working so hard for your fancy house and cars and sh*t. Then mother nature can take it all away in an instant. Then what? What do you have? And who are you?
And what if all this time you pushed away family and friends to get this. Who do you have?

And if you think all of these material things will make you happy...
Maybe re-evaluate.
Happiness comes within. If you aren't satisfied with what you have now... You will never be satisfied.
We have to learn to appreciate.
We are miracles!
I'm alive today, I'm breathing, I'm using all of my 5 senses!
Isn't that beautiful? Shouldn't I be happy about that?

And what if time is an illusion too?
Why am I in such a hurry?
I've been in such a hurry to get things done... No time to waste because I gotta become "successful".
I had no time for friends, I had no time to relax.

It seems that we need to have appointments to see each other, because we don't have time to talk if we just run into each other.
The only time we have is, "Now".
I actually have a lot more fun at work when I don't wear a watch, and I enjoy the gym if I don't have a time limit.

There is so much more going on in my mind, but here is a really good blog post by a friend, take the time to enlighten yourself: Click here
