Monday, 18 March 2013

What does "healthy" look like?

Media showcases a lot of beautiful, lean, skinny, or fit people. They keep telling us what we should look like. How lean we have to be, how pretty we have to be, how cool we have to be, etc... We start thinking that there is something wrong with us.
So we start buying all these products and programs they advertise to us!
And they make a TON of money!!
They will keep selling us products that won't work. They are usually quick fixes... Then people gain back the fat... Even more fat than before... Then they go back and buy the same quick fix...

I have been thinking about this lots... I feel guilty for being part of the media (being on magazines and the internet). It has been bothering me a lot, but I think it is time for me to let out my feelings. Also, I am comfortable showing you... the other side of me! (My "offseason")

The pictures I post online, are photos taken of me when I am close to a bikini competition. That requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Diet and training.
I don't look like that all the time!
And I don't think it would be healthy if I did... I stopped menstruating for a very long period of time! (And fertility=health).
There are people out there that are just naturally very lean! But you know, everybody has a different body!!

I eat very healthy and I exercise regularly. I am very cautious of what I put into my body... But that doesn't mean I'm going to have washboard abs all the time. I am going to reveal to you a picture of me... when I'm not dieting and ready for competition.
I realize that I may get a lot of... criticism for this?
Maybe even be called names... Just last week I saw someone post something about me calling me "fat".
I don't think I'm fat.
I think I'm beautiful in my own way! As long as I take care of my body, and I am proud of it, then nobody can bring me down.
And I want you to be the same :) Eat healthy, exercise in a way that you like, and be proud of it!!!