Every week I spent time with a "little sister"... I was to be a role model, a friend, and a big sister.
As I got more into the "fitness industry", I started spending less time with her...
The reason why, is because of the guilt I felt.
I felt this guilt again this summer when I was the personal trainer for a soccer group of teen girls.
I didn't want them to know who I was, because I didn't want them to view me as a role model
What message am I portraying to these young developing girls who are trying to discover themselves?
The girls that want to be loved and appreciated?
That in order to be loved and appreciated... You must be "pretty" or "sexy"??
This is what I thought when I was younger... And where did it get me?
I base by self worth and value by the way I look, and the way men gave their attention to me... Not by how intelligent, kind, and caring I am.
And now I struggle with self-esteem... And many other issues such as self worth, body image, relationships, objectification, etc.
If you look at my photos, they are basically pornographic pictures, disguised as "fitness and health" photos!!!!
Sadly, that is what the fitness industry has become now.
I am honestly afraid of the images and ideas of "being a girl", that we send out to the young women. Look at teen magazines now, clothing advertisements, barbies, bratz dolls, etc.
I am sorry for the messages that I have given men, women, girls, and boys through my pictures.
But hopefully, my experiences will also be a lesson to myself and others.
I need to tell the girls that what's important, is not how you look.
YOU are not your appearance. YOU are what is behind that- the way you treat yourself, the way you see yourself, and the way you treat others.
Discover yourself through your hobbies and interests, not through your appearance, through shopping, or by admiring celebrities.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you, no matter what anyone tells you.
Take care of your mind and body, and be yourself.